I think it is probably the best Anne of Green Gables post name so far! Don't you think?
Well, this time I visited a friend who was house-sitting (as well as cat-sitting the family's cat), and we went for a walk and a photoshoot around the city their apartment is plced in, Tel-Aviv.
Did you notice that nice Mobile Library in the middle of the park? I grabbed a Heidi book and took some photos with it ☺
Another thing that happened lately- I quitted my job! I feel so free now, like I have all the time in the world. But along with it, I'm a bit sad, because even though I did not like that job at all, I did met some kindred spirits that I had hard time to leave behind. And the nice avocado orchard I always read books in during lunch breaks! It was the saddest farewell of all...
And now I have a little more the a month of doing whatever I want (read: mathematics! I have to get ready for Uni!!), and then I'll have a new home (but I'll have the old one, too), new setting, and somehow- a new life.

I just hope I'll find time to do everything I used to do before...
blouse : twentyfourseven || skirt : Modcloth (sadly out of stock) || flats : a gift from Nadav
necklace : Modcloth (mine is in color gold) || earrings : hand-me-down from sister ||
lipstick : Revlon Moon Drops in Love That Pink #575
Lovely friend of mine, I really love that skirt and I am planning how to steal it.. although I probably can't fit inside it hhhhh... And don't worry, wherw there's willingness things are bound to happan... I am sure you will have time for your hobbies and stuff hahaha.. Love you 😘